Codesign and Systems Leadership

BLENDED offering

The Circle



A virtual plenary and a real one with no borders.

In The Circle, presenters will stand looking to all their guests simultaneously in the eyes, with the possibility to interact with them as well as with participants invited in the room.

The Circle is the missing tool for upgrading usual a few-to-many webinars (not so engaging) or messy conference calls with too many participants (frequent technical issues and no interactions).

With The Circle you can experience face to face collaboration and interactivity with up to 500 participants, having anchormen or facilitators at the centre of the process.


  • Large online or blended (online/in presence) workshops. Benefit of a real reporting plenary process, better interactions and an easier engagement of your audience.

  • Online or blended business conventions. Replicate the same atmosphere and feeling of being all together in the same location.


  • Up to 500 people (different numbers involve different technical equipment such as the size of the big led-wall, and will affect the overall cost. Those technical aspects do not change features.)

  • The control-room has a complete regulation over microphones, chat, and broadcast signal (depending on the chosen platform's limitations).

  • Other contributions (such as videos, ppt, translations etc) are integrated without you having to worry about any technical aspects.

  • You can have The Circle in any location of your choice, at your premises, or in our tv studio located in the beautiful Verona (ITA).

  • Use it for online gatherings or experience a first proper blended solution with guests in presence and remotely connected.

  • Works with any conference system already in use in your company, without any need of an upgrade.

  • Fully managed by a TV studio/crew, with a streaming audio/video optimization for the platform choosen.

We have an extended network of facilitators over 4 continents. We can support any of your teams locally to run sessions and interact appropriately with The Circle.

The Circle is the results of a partnership with the Reeno Film Production.